Blue Grotto Dive Resort

(352) 528-5770
3852 N.E. 172nd Court Williston Florida 32696 USA

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Blue Grotto plunges down to a depth of 100 feet (30 meters) in crystal clear water with a temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Celsius) year-round. Only open water diving certification is necessary as Blue Grotto is a very safe cavern dive, featuring permanent guide lines, underwater lighting, and a submerged air bell, providing a unique dive experience. Instructors are welcome to use Blue Grotto's training platforms in the shallower part of Blue Grotto or the training pool. The nature surrounding Blue Grotto is great for having a picnic with the family or friends. You can enjoy a relaxing BBQ after some great dives or stay the night in one of their cabins by the pool. RV and tent camping is also available onsite.