Take a Virtual Vacation to Lake Butler and Union County, Florida
Take A Break and Take a Virtual Vacation in Natural North Florida
Spring 2020 has brought a halt to Florida tourism, and tourism worldwide.. Our Visit Natural North Florida region has slowed, too, and with the restrictions of social distancing and travel we’re all dreaming of better times to come. And we hope that potential visitors, from near and far, take care of themselves, and dream of coming to visit us when the “fever” breaks. In the meantime, take some time to peruse our special “edition” of Virtual Vacations in Natural North Florida. This post is the third in that series. More, featuring highlights of our 15-county region will follow, each including links to local highlights, where “Nature Is Our Theme Park”

Union County is a breath of fresh air, tucked between Alachua County and the University of Florida/Santa Fe College (70,000 students) and the Jacksonville/Duval County/Clay County/St. Johns metro area. Originally part of St. Johns/Duval and St. Johns counties, Union County is Florida’s smallest, with a total population of about 15,000. It was formally founded in 1921 with the city of Lake Butler as its county seat. Currently the main industry in the county is timber. Tourism plays a small part of the county’s income, but taking a drive up SR121 from Gainesville will show you some nice country roads, as well as the town and lake at Lake Butler.

While in Lake Butler, park your car and take advantage of walking the downtown, which borders the lake. Visit the Townsend Museum, eat at Simmer Down or Laredo Mexican Restaurant, or just take in the beauty of the lake.

The small town of Worthington Springs is at the southern end of the county/ The actual springs don’t flow these days, but the county park is an excellent spot to picnic or to launch canoes, kayaks or small boats on the Santa Fe River.