Mark Your Calendars–2016 Hidden Coast Paddling Adventure, Suwannee Florida, 9/29-10/2
Now’s the time to mark your calendar for the 2016 Hidden Coast Paddling Adventure. This year’s event will be at Suwannee, Florida on the Suwannee River, and promises to be more fun than ever before. And, with the event falling on the last week of September, the air should be cooler–but not so cool to make you not want to take a dip in the many natural springs you’ll pass on the trip.

$100 for 60 participants maximum.
The 2016 Hidden Coast Paddling
Adventure is currently in the planning stage.
Dates are Sept. 28th—October 2, 2016
Projected registration date is July 7th.
For complete information, click here the 2016 Hidden Coast Paddling Adventure brochure!