2016 Bay Scallop Season Continues Despite Heavy Rains on the Big Bend

Yes, we’ve had plenty of rain this summer, but don’t think that our bumper crop of tasty bay scallops has dwindled.  While the Gulf waters may be a bit more “brown” than usual, there’s still enough visibility to find scallops in 3 to 4 feet of water.


When there’s no danger of lightning with frontal rainstorms, scallopers head out of our coastal rivers to the grass flats.  While scallops tend to come to the tops of the grass in bright sunlight, you’ll have to do some close looking to find them on overcast or “dark water” days.

It’s also easier to snorkel when the tide’s low, and generally the lowest summer tides are late in the day.  However, that’s the time that heat-driven thunderstorms occur.  Having a good radar app like Weather Bug on you smartphone is helpful, as it also includes the Spark lightning strike app.

And, if you get run back to port by the weather, spend the rest of your day cleaning your catch, relaxing and preparing for the next day’s trip!


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