May's House

(850) 997-3043
925 East Washington Street, Monticello, FL, USA

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Serving Lunch Monday – Friday 10:30-2:30 and Dinner on Tuesday, 5:00 – 8:00.

The Mays House, a restored historic 1922 residence, has been the home of Carrie Ann & Co., Inc. since 2005 and is located just 6 blocks east of the Courthouse in beautiful downtown Monticello, Florida. The Mays House is on approximately 2 acres that includes a pergola entrance into the extensively landscaped grounds and charming gazebo.

The Mays House restoration has been a work of love and dedication and would not be possible without the continued support, vision, direction, and hard, blood-sweat-and-tears work of Denise’s father, Thomas “Buzz” Phillips and her husband, Tom Vogelgesang.

Buzz and/or Tom oversaw all of the construction work from the restoration of the Mays House itself to the design and construction of the gazebo and pergola.